Text Zone Conversion Options


Click Conversion Options from the following menu or toolbar, or use the keyboard shortcut to access all EDGAR ASCII Conversion Options:


Options > Conversion Options










The following dialog box will appear:




Go to the ASCII Tab. Click the Text Zone radio button to access ‘Text Zone Conversion Options.



This option allows you to set the Text options for EDGAR ASCII output.



Note: All the Text options you select here will be applied to all the text zones within the document.




  1. Wrap output

You can select this option to wrap output at set number of characters. The maximum Wrap Width allowed for text is 80 characters.



Tip: EDGAR ASCII allows the maximum width of text to be 80 characters and tables to be 132 characters. Beyond these widths, the content is automatically wrapped.




Warning: Please note that too small a width might break some of the ASCII Tags and produce an invalid EDGAR ASCII. We recommend that you do not change this width from 80.


If any change is made to the ‘Wrap Output’ option, this change will be globally applied to all pages. SEC Publisher will only produce an EDGAR ASCII document where all the pages will have the same width.



  1. Do not wrap tables

You can select this option if you do not want the tables in the original documents to be wrapped at 80 characters in the converted document.


  1. Superscript Qualifier

You can select this option to set superscript qualifier. You can choose one of four drop-down menu items:


    1. None
    2. Parentheses ()
    3. Brackets []
    4. Braces {}

  1. Alignment

From the drop-down menu, you can choose to align the text in one of the following ways:


  1. Left Description: clip_image001


  1. Right Description: clip_image002


  1. Center Description: clip_image003


  1. Justify Description: clip_image004


  1. Preserve Indentation

By selecting this option you can preserve the indentation of the text in the ASCII document.



 Related Topics
Converting to EDGAR ASCII

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